Partnerships flow in and out of our lives. They can also last a lifetime. For example, we partner ‘money’ for life in the hope it will give movement, choice and freedom to explore new horizons. The ability to achieve is a drive. We have it within us to create new and more relevant experiences. To do this we partner our self in ‘choice’, a mentality that aligns with manifestation. However, partnerships we have with the right people in life allow us to flourish, grow and never feel alone. These special people may be family, for others they can be friends, colleagues and romantic partners. There are many choices we partner in life, which can rule our lives. Either consciously or sub consciously, for better or worse. We are often ruled by the subconscious rather than by the conscious and we partner choices based on the opinions of others, social media and society at large. Partnerships, whether they are business or personal are generally strengthened by our own self-awareness. Therefore, one of our most precious partnerships is to our higher self. We call this unity, being complete, centred. What makes a great partnership to you? I would love to hear your thoughts. "The best partnerships aren’t dependent on a mere common goal but on a shared path of equality, desire and no small amount of passion". ~ Sarah MacLean